We perform surveys all over The Big Island which varies in terrain. Our crew is equipped with machetes & bush axes for more vegetated areas. Here is a list of the survey services we provide: K-1 & K-2 Surveys/ POL (Point-On-Line)/ Topographic Survey & Mapping/ FEMA Elevation Certificates/ Shoreline Certification Surveys/ Subdivision, Consolidation, Re-Subdivision/ Construction Layout/ ALTA Surveys/ As-Built.
Projects are usually on a first-come basis but, if you need immediate attention & closure, we can rush certain projects. Please note there could be an additional rush fee applied if need to expedite. Also note, while most parcels are standard in terms of surveying, other unique parcels may require more time & extensive research to complete.

We must first do a land survey before starting a fencing project to ensure your fence does not cross the boundary lir;ie(s). Also, depending on how heavily vegetated the property might be, we might also have to do some excavation/clearing to prepare for fencing. The three types of fencing we offer are vinyl, chain link, & hog wire.

This service can include land clearing, clearing for fencing & fence posts, clearing boundary lines, driveways, house pads, trenches, waste hauling, and material delivery such as soil, cinder, and gravel.
The Independent Hawaii Surveyors, LLC is a licensed & insured company serving the Big Island of Hawai'i for over 25 years. We are locally owned & operated and specialize in land boundary surveys all over the Big Island of Hawai'i. Our goal is to provide technical expertise and timely responses to property boundary surveys & mapping requirements.